Friday, September 5, 2008

How can I explain this in a way you will understand...?
Uh. I despise homework. Clear enough?

I have no motivation.
My sickness is procrastination.
Mcdonalds is my destination.
Would you like some fucking fries with that,
you big son of a bitch?

Best poem I've ever written hahahahahahaha

Monday, September 1, 2008

It's been a few days since my last post. Though, I'm here now and ready to share the array of events that have recently taken place.
I had my nose pierced about 2 months ago and unfortunately an irritation bump had decided to take up residence beside it. Therefore, being the impatient person that I am, I opted to re-pierce the other side of my nose, as opposed to waiting the 8 months to let the originally pierced side heal completely. I am extremely happy to report that piercing numero dos is looking quite nice and the irritation bump is disappearing more everyday!
I've just returned from an overnight camping trip with several girl friends. I now truly feel like the hippie that people accuse me of being! It was a weekend of henna, friendship bracelets, tye-dye ing t-shirts, drinking, and pot smoking [however, I maintain that weed is not my friend indeed - I do not smoke it].
Now I shall let boredom swallow me whole. Goodbye, my friends, I will see you again in the fiery pits of hell!